HogeNood Tablet
Customer experience and cleaning measurable
Research shows that 42% of the visitors let the choice for an organization depend on the hygienic condition of the toilets. The ability to monitor the customer experience of your toilets is therefore important to your organization. The HogeNood Tablet makes measuring the customer experience in your toilet(s) very easy and transparent.
Visitors can immediately assess the toilet after their visit on four different aspects, namely: hygiene, odour, atmosphere & design and toiletries. In addition, the HogeNood Tablet provides information about the next cleaning and final cleaning. Your cleaners digitally mark a cleaning with their own code by pressing the cleaning bucket. This eliminates the need for a handwritten check-off list in the toilet area. Is there a problem on the toilet? Both your visitors and employees can report this. All assessments, cleaning times and problems that have been reported are processed in real-time in clear graphs and diagrams in the HogeNood CMS to which you have access.

How the tablet works
Logo of your company or restroom.
Assess on four aspects:
Atmosphere and design
The clock, next and last cleaning time, of the toilet.
Report a problem on the toilet.
Cleaning schedule
Button for cleaning time.
Get direct insight into the customer experience of your toilets!
Reviews given with the HogeNood app and tablet of the hygiene, odour, atmosphere and toiletries provide real-time insight into the customer life of your toilet visitors. Interested? Then take a look at our packages or contact us directly!