Open your toilet!
Why open my toilet(s)?
Everybody has to go to the toilet sometimes. If there are no toilets in shops and restaurants or other buildings in city centres, customers spend less and the lower the turnover. Conversely, the more toilets, the longer customers stay and the more they spend.
Positive feeling
Visit other shops
Stay at home
Why open my toilet(s)?

Toilet visit

Stay at home

Fewer purchases



Medical HogeNood
Only accessible to HogeNood users with a medical condition
HogeNood is calling on organizations to register their restroom location as an open restroom. Should that not be possible, we urge you to register your restroom location as a Medical High-Need location. This means that only people with a medical condition can use your restroom.
A medical HogeNood toilet offers a solution if, for example, your toilet is only accessible to staff but you don't mind if someone with medical HogeNood is allowed to use your toilet. The HogeNood app users can only find your location if they have demonstrated that they have a medical problem.
Partners HogeNood Medical
Medical HogeNood has been made possible by: Maag Lever Darm Stichting, CCUVN, PDSB, Stomavereniging and SPKS.