HogeNood Partners

Become part of the HogeNood community and join one of our packages.

Joining HogeNood will get you listed as a partner with your organization and logo on this page!

To subscription plans


Many municipalities have already joined HogeNood. Below you will find all HogeNood partner municipalities. If you want to be listed here, at least connect to the silver package!

Municipality of woerden
Municipality of Rotterdam
Municipality of Amsterdam
Municipality of Utrecht
Municipality of Maassluis
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More than 6000 organisations have already joined HogeNood by opening their toilets. You can become a partner from package silver and below you will find an overview of the organisations affiliated with HogeNood.

Vendor Public Washrooms
Van der valk
Recreation North Holland
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Beautiful and clean hygienic toilets are of great importance for the experience of a visitor of the toilet. In addition to the organisation itself, the facility and cleaning companies in particular have a major influence on this. Below are active partners who work hard for this and are not afraid of a review of a visitor. Would you like to become a partner? Then at least connect to package gold!

Cleaning company Haagsehof
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Toilet Alliance, Every WC Counts!

We work closely with the Maag Lever Darm Stichting (MLDS) and various other patient associations and stakeholder organisations. Under the name Every Toilet Counts, we form the Toilet Alliance. Together we work hard for more and better toilets in the Netherlands. Below is a selection of our cooperation partners from the Toilet Alliance.

Crohn & Colitis Netherlands logo
Stoma association stronger together logo
Bowel Cancer Foundation Netherlands, Caring for each other Logo
Everyin logo
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